07980 866456

Hatha Yoga Classes for Relaxation

View September 2021 Timetable here

Yoga is a science of self-enquiry that helps bring us back to centre. With routine practise we start to see subtle shifts in our well-being, both physically and mentally and this comes from the wide range of practises. It doesn’t matter what your physical shape, size or range of movement you start with, if you practise yoga (asana, breath work, pranayama, meditation) the body and mind respond.

Over time there can be many benefits:

  • Developing mental and physical balance
  • Increasing strength & stamina
  • Retaining muscle and small tissue elasticity & developing stability in a wide range of movements 
  • Calming the mind & relaxing the nervous system
  • Releasing emotional blockages
  • Reducing stress & anxiety
  • Relieving mind & body tensions, coping with pain
  • Balancing, stimulating and expanding our Pranic (Energy) Body
  • Bringing balance to all levels of our being